delete from vrls_partners ; insert into vrls_partners (partner_name , partner_desc , partner_contact_name , partner_address1 , partner_address2 , partner_state_province_code , partner_postal_code , partner_country_code , partner_contact_email , partner_contact_phone , partner_code , partner_prefix) values ('Default', 'Default Partner', 'Test', '2 Test Rd', '' , 'NJ', '11111', 'US', '', '6888888', 'default', 'http://localhost/'), ('Leon', 'Leons pages', 'Leon', '2 Leon Rd', '', 'NJ', '22222', 'US', '', '6889999', 'leon', ''), ('Rich', 'RLR Partner', 'Rich', '2 Rich Rd', '', 'NJ', '33333', 'US', '', '6887777', 'rrr', ''); delete from vrls_listings ; insert into vrls_listings ( listing_title, listing_desc, listing_type_code, listing_offer_type_code , listing_region, listing_num_bedrooms, listing_num_bathrooms , listing_monthly_payment, listing_purchase_price, referring_partner_id , listing_status_code, listing_status_eff_date , date_entered, date_last_modified) values ("Big White House", "Roomy white house with many bedrooms and office space" , 1, 2, "Capital District", 10, 3, 10000, 5000000 , 7777, 1, sysdate(), sysdate(), sysdate()), ("Plush Indian Palace", "Large palatial estate with beautiful interior and exterior" , 1, 1, "Subcontinent", 3, 1, 10000, 5000000 , 7777, 1, sysdate(), sysdate(), sysdate()), ("Love Shack", "It's a little old place where we can get together" , 1, 1, "Athens", 1, 1, 100, 50000 , 7777, 1, sysdate(), sysdate(), sysdate()) ; delete from vrls_listing_images ; insert into vrls_listing_images ( listing_id, listing_image_name, listing_image_desc, listing_image_url, listing_thumb_url, is_primary_image) values (1, "White House", "White House", "/images/whitehouse2.jpg","","Y"), (2, "Taj Mahal", "Taj Mahal", "/images/taj-mahal.gif","","Y"), (3, "Love Shack", "Love Shack", "/images/trailer1.jpg","","Y") ; delete from vrls_xref_listing_type ; delete from vrls_xref_listing_offer_type ; insert into vrls_xref_listing_type (listing_type_code, listing_type_name, listing_type_desc) values (1, 'House', 'Free standing house'), (2, 'Townhouse', 'Multi-story attached house'), (3, 'Apartment', 'Unit in multiple-dwelling building'), (4, 'Garden Apartment', 'Unit in small multiple-dwelling building'), (5, 'Condominium', 'Fully owned independent unit in community'), (6, 'Co-op', 'Unit in co-operative community'); insert into vrls_xref_listing_offer_type (listing_offer_type_code, listing_offer_type_name, listing_offer_type_desc) values (1, 'Rent', 'Monthly payment for duration of lease period'), (2, 'Buy', 'Outright purchase of property'), (3, 'Rent w/option to buy', 'Part of monthly rent payment goes towards deposit for eventual purchase'), (4, 'Seasonal sublet', 'Rental for a shorter fixed period (usually less than 6 months)'); delete from vrls_xref_state_province ; insert into vrls_xref_state_province values ('AL', 'Alabama'), ('AK', 'Alaska'), ('AZ', 'Arizona'), ('AR', 'Arkansas'), ('CA', 'California'), ('CO', 'Colorado'), ('CN', 'Connecticut'), ('DE', 'Delaware'), ('DC', 'District of Columbia'), ('FL', 'Florida'), ('GE', 'Georgia'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('HI', 'Hawaii'), ('ID', 'Idaho'), ('IL', 'Illinois'), ('IN', 'Indiana'), ('IA', 'Iowa'), ('KS', 'Kansas'), ('KY', 'Kentucky'), ('LA', 'Louisiana'), ('ME', 'Maine'), ('MD', 'Maryland'), ('MA', 'Massachusetts'), ('MI', 'Michigan'), ('MN', 'Minnesota'), ('MS', 'Mississippi'), ('MO', 'Missouri'), ('MT', 'Montana'), ('NE', 'Nebraska'), ('NV', 'Nevada'), ('NH', 'New Hampshire'), ('NJ', 'New Jersey'), ('NM', 'New Mexico'), ('NY', 'New York'), ('NC', 'North Carolina'), ('ND', 'North Dakota'), ('OH', 'Ohio'), ('OK', 'Oklahoma'), ('OR', 'Oregon'), ('PA', 'Pennsylvania'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('RI', 'Rhode Island'), ('SC', 'South Carolina'), ('SD', 'South Dakota'), ('TN', 'Tennessee'), ('TX', 'Texas'), ('UT', 'Utah'), ('VT', 'Vermont'), ('VA', 'Virginia'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands'), ('WA', 'Washington'), ('WV', 'West Virginia'), ('WI', 'Wisconsin'), ('WY', 'Wyoming'), ('AB', 'Alberta'), ('BC', 'British Columbia'), ('MB', 'Manitoba'), ('NB', 'New Brunswick'), ('NF', 'New Foundland'), ('NT', 'Northwest Territories'), ('NS', 'Nova Scotia'), ('ON', 'Ontario'), ('PE', 'Prince Edward Island'), ('QC', 'Quebec'), ('SK', 'Saskatchewan'), ('YT', 'Yukon Territory'); delete from vrls_xref_country ; insert into vrls_xref_country values ('AF', 'Afghanistan'), ('AL', 'Albania'), ('DZ', 'Algeria'), ('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('AD', 'Andorra'), ('AO', 'Angola'), ('AI', 'Anguilla'), ('AQ', 'Antarctica'), ('AG', 'Antigua and Barbuda'), ('AR', 'Argentina'), ('AM', 'Armenia'), ('AW', 'Aruba'), ('AU', 'Australia'), ('AT', 'Austria'), ('AZ', 'Azerbaijan'), ('BS', 'Bahamas'), ('BH', 'Bahrain'), ('BD', 'Bangladesh'), ('BB', 'Barbados'), ('BY', 'Belarus'), ('BE', 'Belgium'), ('BZ', 'Belize'), ('BJ', 'Benin'), ('BM', 'Bermuda'), ('BT', 'Bhutan'), ('BO', 'Bolivia'), ('BA', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'), ('BW', 'Botswana'), ('BV', 'Bouvet Island'), ('BR', 'Brazil'), ('IO', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'), ('BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'), ('BG', 'Bulgaria'), ('BF', 'Burkina Faso'), ('BI', 'Burundi'), ('KH', 'Cambodia'), ('CM', 'Cameroon'), ('CA', 'Canada'), ('CV', 'Cape Verde'), ('KY', 'Cayman Islands'), ('CF', 'Central African Republic'), ('TD', 'Chad'), ('CL', 'Chile'), ('CN', 'China'), ('CX', 'Christmas Island'), ('CC', 'Cocos (Keeling Islands)'), ('CO', 'Colombia'), ('KM', 'Comoros'), ('CG', 'Congo'), ('CK', 'Cook Islands'), ('CR', 'Costa Rica'), ('CI', "Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)"), ('HR', 'Croatia (Hrvatska)'), ('CU', 'Cuba'), ('CY', 'Cyprus'), ('CZ', 'Czech Republic'), ('DK', 'Denmark'), ('DJ', 'Djibouti'), ('DM', 'Dominica'), ('DO', 'Dominican Republic'), ('TP', 'East Timor'), ('EC', 'Ecuador'), ('EG', 'Egypt'), ('SV', 'El Salvador'), ('GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea'), ('ER', 'Eritrea'), ('EE', 'Estonia'), ('ET', 'Ethiopia'), ('FK', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'), ('FO', 'Faroe Islands'), ('FJ', 'Fiji'), ('FI', 'Finland'), ('FR', 'France'), ('FX', 'France, Metropolitan'), ('GF', 'French Guiana'), ('PF', 'French Polynesia'), ('TF', 'French Southern Territories'), ('GA', 'Gabon'), ('GM', 'Gambia'), ('GE', 'Georgia'), ('DE', 'Germany'), ('GH', 'Ghana'), ('GI', 'Gibraltar'), ('GR', 'Greece'), ('GL', 'Greenland'), ('GD', 'Grenada'), ('GP', 'Guadeloupe'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('GT', 'Guatemala'), ('GN', 'Guinea'), ('GW', 'Guinea-Bissau'), ('GY', 'Guyana'), ('HT', 'Haiti'), ('HM', 'Heard and McDonald Islands'), ('HN', 'Honduras'), ('HK', 'Hong Kong'), ('HU', 'Hungary'), ('IS', 'Iceland'), ('IN', 'India'), ('ID', 'Indonesia'), ('IR', 'Iran'), ('IQ', 'Iraq'), ('IE', 'Ireland'), ('IL', 'Israel'), ('IT', 'Italy'), ('JM', 'Jamaica'), ('JP', 'Japan'), ('JO', 'Jordan'), ('KZ', 'Kazakhstan'), ('KE', 'Kenya'), ('KI', 'Kiribati'), ('KP', "North Korea (People's Republic)"), ('KR', 'South Korea (Republic)'), ('KW', 'Kuwait'), ('KG', 'Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic)'), ('LA', 'Laos'), ('LV', 'Latvia'), ('LB', 'Lebanon'), ('LS', 'Lesotho'), ('LR', 'Liberia'), ('LY', 'Libya'), ('LI', 'Liechtenstein'), ('LT', 'Lithuania'), ('LU', 'Luxembourg'), ('MO', 'Macau'), ('MK', 'Macedonia'), ('MG', 'Madagascar'), ('MW', 'Malawi'), ('MY', 'Malaysia'), ('MV', 'Maldives'), ('ML', 'Mali'), ('MT', 'Malta'), ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'), ('MQ', 'Martinique'), ('MR', 'Mauritania'), ('MU', 'Mauritius'), ('YT', 'Mayotte'), ('MX', 'Mexico'), ('FM', 'Micronesia'), ('MD', 'Moldova'), ('MC', 'Monaco'), ('MN', 'Mongolia'), ('MS', 'Montserrat'), ('MA', 'Morocco'), ('MZ', 'Mozambique'), ('MM', 'Myanmar'), ('NA', 'Namibia'), ('NR', 'Nauru'), ('NP', 'Nepal'), ('NL', 'Netherlands'), ('AN', 'Netherlands Antilles'), ('NT', 'Neutral Zone (Saudia Arabia/Iraq)'), ('NC', 'New Caledonia'), ('NZ', 'New Zealand'), ('NI', 'Nicaragua'), ('NE', 'Niger'), ('NG', 'Nigeria'), ('NU', 'Niue'), ('NF', 'Norfolk Island'), ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('NO', 'Norway'), ('OM', 'Oman'), ('PK', 'Pakistan'), ('PW', 'Palau'), ('PA', 'Panama'), ('PG', 'Papua New Guinea'), ('PY', 'Paraguay'), ('PE', 'Peru'), ('PH', 'Philippines'), ('PN', 'Pitcairn'), ('PL', 'Poland'), ('PT', 'Portugal'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('QA', 'Qatar'), ('RE', 'Reunion'), ('RO', 'Romania'), ('RU', 'Russian Federation'), ('RW', 'Rwanda'), ('GS', 'S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls'), ('KN', 'Saint Kitts and Nevis'), ('LC', 'Saint Lucia'), ('VC', 'Saint Vincent and The Grenadines'), ('WS', 'Samoa'), ('SM', 'San Marino'), ('ST', 'Sao Tome and Principe'), ('SA', 'Saudi Arabia'), ('SN', 'Senegal'), ('SC', 'Seychelles'), ('SL', 'Sierra Leone'), ('SG', 'Singapore'), ('SK', 'Slovakia (Slovak Republic)'), ('SI', 'Slovenia'), ('SB', 'Solomon Islands'), ('SO', 'Somalia'), ('ZA', 'South Africa'), ('SU', 'Soviet Union (former)'), ('ES', 'Spain'), ('LK', 'Sri Lanka'), ('SH', 'St. Helena'), ('PM', 'St. Pierre and Miquelon'), ('SD', 'Sudan'), ('SR', 'Suriname'), ('SJ', 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands'), ('SZ', 'Swaziland'), ('SE', 'Sweden'), ('CH', 'Switzerland'), ('SY', 'Syria'), ('TW', 'Taiwan'), ('TJ', 'Tajikistan'), ('TZ', 'Tanzania'), ('TH', 'Thailand'), ('TG', 'Togo'), ('TK', 'Tokelau'), ('TO', 'Tonga'), ('TT', 'Trinidad and Tobago'), ('TN', 'Tunisia'), ('TR', 'Turkey'), ('TM', 'Turkmenistan'), ('TC', 'Turks and Caicos Islands'), ('TV', 'Tuvalu'), ('UG', 'Uganda'), ('UA', 'Ukraine'), ('AE', 'United Arab Emirates'), ('UK', 'United Kingdom (Great Britain)'), ('US', 'United States'), ('UY', 'Uruguay'), ('UM', 'US Minor Outlying Islands'), ('UZ', 'Uzbekistan'), ('VU', 'Vanuatu'), ('VA', 'Vatican City State (Holy See)'), ('VE', 'Venezuela'), ('VN', 'Viet Nam'), ('VG', 'Virgin Islands (British)'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands (US)'), ('WF', 'Wallis and Futuna Islands'), ('EH', 'Western Sahara'), ('YE', 'Yemen'), ('YU', 'Yugoslavia'), ('ZR', 'Zaire'), ('ZM', 'Zambia'), ('ZW', 'Zimbabwe');